Merz Gallery, Scotland 2021

IN April 2021 I spent a month on residency at MERZ Gallery in Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire. The purpose was to create new research and work and to connect with local artists wherever it was possible.  After a year of lockdown I wanted to explore different areas of my practice including painting in the landscape and on glass, and developing time-lapse video. I started by walking in the countryside. I visited and revisited different places: A grove of trees near The Bothy, the banks of the River Nith, woods near the Euchan Water, The Pamphy Linns, and a terrace of Abandoned Cottages outside the village. Painting observationally in the landscape I explored gesture, composition and colour. I also used automatic techniques such as stencilling, frottage, and collage to explore notions of place, the passage of time. I experimented with time-lapse video to capture light and movement in the landscape and also to record my working process. I was incredibly lucky to have had dry weather for most of the month so worked outside as much as possible. On the 25th of April Merz Gallery held an exhibition WHAT IS HIDDEN WHAT IS SEEN of work I created while on residency.

Many thanks to Dave Rushton and MERZ for an inspiring and productive month and to Creative Scotland for their support through the Open Fund.
