RSA Residencies for Scotland, Isle of Lewis 2024

I’m thrilled to announce that I have been awarded an RSA Residency for Scotland working with An Lanntair arts centre in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. My project will involve research at a croft house, and shielings on Tolsta Mohr, experimenting with contemporary painting methods  to explore personal and collective memory. Residencies for Scotland is an artist-led scheme which enables visual artists a period of research, development and production at partner venues across Scotland. This year, thirteen artists have been awarded a total of £55,000 for residencies at partner venues across Scotland. Funded by the Royal Scottish Academy W Gordon Smith…

2024, This Year’s Model III, Studio 1.1, London

THIS YEAR’S MODEL IIIJun 6th – 30thStudio 1.157a Redchurch StLondon E2 7DJ I’m delighted that my painting Chotchkes, 2021, gouache on the Stornoway Gazette and White Tree, 2023, oil on panel, will both be shown at the annual member’s show This Year’s Model at Studio 1.1 in London.  Other exhibiting artists are: LEE KNOTT, MARIANNE SHORTEN, MIN ANGEL, NICKY AMIN, NICOLA MORRISON, OLIVIA IRVINE, PATRICK LEARS, PAULA MacARTHUR, PAULINE HALL, PETER ROSEMAN, RUTH CALLAND, SANDRA LANE, SARAH KNILL-JONES, SARAH PAGER, SHARON SWAINE, TRACEY DOWNING, UTE KREYMAN, VANESSA MITTER, ALAN DEDMAN, EUGENIA CUELLAR ABOUT STUDIO 1.1 studio1.1, an artist run, not for profit…

Michele Marcoux – Biography

MICHELE MARCOUX is an artist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. She grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and lived in Vermont, Philadelphia, California and New York City before moving to Scotland in 1990. Michele received a BA Fine Art (cum laude) from Bennington College, Vermont, and the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. She completed a Masters of Letters Fine Art Practice (with Distinction) at Glasgow School of Art in 2016. In the 1980’s Michele lived in New York City, in Tribeca, Harlem, the Lower East Side, and Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Like most artists, she has worked to support her creative practice, variously as a…

2024, Eternal Return, Scottish Arts Club, Edinburgh

Eternal Return, April 2024 Eternal Return was a solo exhibition of paintings from real and imagined places. Often begun in the landscape – an abandoned village in Spain, the mountains of Italy, disused cottages in Dumfriesshire – the paintings considered memory, displacement, romantic notions of ruin. The Scottish Arts Club is a private members club in Rutland Square, Edinburgh with a 150 year history of bringing artists, creatives and the public together in an appreciation of the arts. ALL WORKS ARE FOR SALE Any questions? DM me INSTAGRAM: @michelemarcouxartist FACEBOOK: Michele Marcoux Artist EMAIL: DOWNLOAD LIST OF WORKS Eternal Return Exhibition View Artist’s talk…

Eternal Return artist’s talk

ARTIST’S TALK at The Scottish Arts Club – ETERNAL RETURN April 13th 12.00 NoonThe Scottish Arts ClubSAC members FREE, £10 for non-membersExhibition on until May 4th. Gallery open to public: Tues –Fri 11am-12.30 and 3-8pm. Saturday 5-8pm On April 13th at The Scottish Arts Club I talked about my journey – from New York City many years ago to my Scotland home – and my paintings which move from actual landscapes – in Aragon, Spain, Molise, Italy, and Dumfriesshire in Scotland – to the landscape of memory and back again. Eternal Return slide show ETERNAL RETURN – Background to the exhibitionPaintings…